Wednesday 16 November 2011

involved with the GROOM part 1

   The Q:“One of my best friends from college is getting married. He and I were involved years ago (in a very messy way) but have remained close friends despite our sexual prom dress boutiques  history. Five years after graduation we have stayed in touch, remained friends, and have been supportive of one-another.   
     I have invited him and his fiancee over for brunch, my friend and I see one another socially, and I have made an effort to befriend the fiancee. Several months ago, he and his fiancee invited me to their October wedding. As I am currently in a wonderful relationship of over two years and have no issues with my friend getting married, my boyfriend and I gladly accepted. Now, my friend’s fiancee has demanded that I not attend their wedding! She has even threatened to post-pone the event if my friend refuses to uninvite me. I’m extremely hurt and very angry. My friend and I have been close for almost ten years and have been with one another through thick and thin. We’re both very loyal people and consider our friendship really important. I can’t imagine not being there for the most important day of his life, and now I can’t imagine going. What’s worse is, I know his fiancee is trying to end our friendship. I could use some advice on how to handle this horrible situation.” The A: Oh my god, it is horrible! And yet, I’m so budget prom dresses  sad to say, you are hardly the first girl that this has happened to.
     THE FOLLOWING IS MY PERSONAL ADVICE, since this is only quasi Wedding Etiquettte related: It’s the extension of the Harry and Sally dilemma of “Can Men and Women be Friends”. It’s like we figured out that, sure we can (though, truthfully, usually AFTER people have been involved) but then no one ever talks about what happens when anoter woman (OR MAN) gets involved. I don’t know what happened that set his fiancee “off”- meaning why she was cool with you and your attendance one minute and then not cool the next- but whatever it is, there is one really critical thing that you affordable prom dresses  need to accept: She’s going to be the wife. It totally blows (is that crude? sorry), but it does. Wifedom trumps friendship in the game of life. And if it doesn’t, then they, as a couple, have other issues.

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